Monday, May 19, 2008

Oww, my bank book

So, its time for an update eh? Jon recently pointed out that i need to either update my blog more or get on Faceook, and since im not yet ready to join the evil world of facebook, ill get my act together. Well, alot has happened.... I took a big trip to Kyoto in March with Azu, her mom, dad, and 3 of her cousins (2 Jr. High schoolers) and one younger one that was 8 years old. The eight year old (Moeka) was probably the cutest, coolest little girl ever. The teenagers were.... well teenage girls, you know how they are. So, we saw more temples than you can shake a stick at, and i'll finally put some pictures up again, i had to buy a new memory card for my DS, and with it came another adaptor, so i can finally get the pictures to my computer again (Azu lost the last one). I started a new school year also. One of my schools changed, one of the ones i liked unfortunately, but fortunately the new school is good also. The downside is i kept the one school i dont like.

My Aunt Carolyn also visited Japan in March! (The first of my family and friends to visit me i might add..... *ahem*) They just so happened to have been to Kyoto earlier also, so we skipped all the temple stuff and i took them to some of the more popular places in Tokyo. We went to the fashion and shopping mecca that is Shibuya 109, saw some crazy people in Harajuku, saw the electric city of Akihabara, and what must be one of the biggest electronic stores on the planet. Picture Best Buy. Now picture 8 Best Buys stacked on top of eachother, and thats Yodobashi Akiba. After all that we had yakiniku (Japanese style Korean BBQ). Kent and I also tried some raw horse for the first time, Aunt Carolyn passed, haha. It wasnt bad actually.

So, on to the next big piece of news. I'm moving out! As the title indicates, it hasnt been cheap. However, i now have my own apartment, all the papers signed, stamped and filled out (i had to go get a custom stamp made for myself for the paperwork), and i move in next monday. People who visit me now have a rent free place to stay, so you slackers dont have any excuse. I have a good amount of room, its a one bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, but there is a loft that is almost as big as a whole other room. The apartment is brand new, just built, and totally rad. its also alot closer to work, it shaves about a half hour off my commute. Anyway, i'm excited to move in, goin it solo for now. Eric and i tossed around the idea of moving in together, but decided to scrap it for now atleast, as it was pretty damn hard to find a central location to both of our jobs (an affordable one anyway). I'll be visiting America this summer it looks, early August, so i hope to see some familiar faces.
