Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pics a long time in the making

Ok, I've finally made good on my promise to add pictures. I finally bit the bullet and set up some junk at Flickr, so people can view my random photos here in Japan. I'll take more and add them. All of those are taken on my phone (doesnt do too well in the dark), so if they are a bit blurry at times, remember its a phone!

So, as far as updates go, there hasnt been too much going on in the last month, just my birthday really. We had a party at TGI Fridays in Shibuya, drank too much, and stayed out all night, the usual. Im going to Hokkaido with Azu this weekend, so i'll have some pictures and an update about that in the near future. Im also eagerly awaiting the 30th, when i buy myself a PS3. Its my birthday present to me.

Last weekend, me, Eric, Mike and Greg went to the acrade in Shibuya to play some Street Fighter 4 against randos there. Me and Eric got our asses beat for the most part, especially me (havent played street fighter since super nintendo!), but Mike pulled a few victories out. He's kept with the game through most of its history. I almost had a few people, came down to the final match and a centimeter or so of health. Street Fighter 4 is pretty badass. We're gonna get the home versions, and look into getting some arcade style joysticks in order to train and go pwn people in the arcade. Greg watched for the most part, he likes train and bus simulators *snicker*. It should be noted that Zangief is a cheap ass character. Also, Blanka's special does WAY too much damage.

Its been steadily getting cooler here, and i'v had to start wearing sweatshirts here and there, and even a jacket once! I'm guessing in a couple weeks it will be down right nippy in the morning, and ill want to get out of bed even less than i do already. Mornings in winter suck in Japan... imagine seeing your breath as you dash into the shower and strip. Both Eric and Jon moved recently, not far from where they were already, but are in new places. We're still waiting for Jon and Ayumi's welcoming party, so we can put some holes in their new walls. :D

Anyway, i'll write back about Hokkaido soon!

p.s. look at the new pictures link (i hope it works).