Friday, November 21, 2008

Hokkaido and Halloween

Well, Halloween and me and Azu's Hokkaido trip came and went. Halloween was pretty fun, we stayed out all night in Tokyo, dancing at various clubs that were having Halloween parties. Everyone had a decent costume but me really. Azu and her friends were all a sexy version of something normal (girls have it easy on Halloween). Azu was a sexy gangster, her friend was a cheerleader.... I think hers was actually just a normal cheerleading costume, haha. Eric was... something, maybe the phantom of the Opera? Greg was Lupin the 3rd. I was a scientist... Eric borrowed a lab coat from one of the scientists at school and i wore that all night, so it was another half-assed Halloween for me! The morning after Halloween will lead into my next story.

So, Eric lost his phone at one of the clubs, so like the good drunk friends we are, Mike and I vow to recover it at all costs. So the three of us went trekking back out into the blazing morning sun, still drunk and tired as hell. After maybe an hour of being lost (finding things in the day is harder than the night sometimes) we get the phone back, and decide to stay up all day, since we were up anyway. So, we messed around at some University's open campus for abit after some morning McDonalds, and went to Akihabara, because I decided I was buying a Playstation 3. As you all know, I am a cheapass, so i decide to get a used Playstation 3. So, after eric and i carefully consider the options with the used models, we decide on one, and head out. We all bought Fallout 3 and happily began the trip home. I actually took a nap at erics for about 2 hours first, but that isnt important.

Anyway, so I get home, and pull out my new old PS3 and begin setting it up to play. As I take it out, i notice some particles of.... something in there, and sorta figure it was a bit of dust, and carry on. I plug it in and start setting it up, playing, and everything is going fine.... until the smell. I notice a strange odor coming from it- strange, and bad. So I pop off the HD cover plate to look, and there are more of the "particles" from before, all around in there, and as i look closer, i notice there appear to be.... insect body parts. I get closer and take a good whiff, and it smells strong and awful... of something, i dont even know what. So, i unplug it and shake it, and sure enough, some dead insect bodies fall against the screen inside. In other words, my PS3 came with an insect nest inside. Yep.

I was horrified to say the least. The only good thing is that they were all dead, atleast. I am not sure what kind they were, the dead ones inside looked like what could possibly be dead baby roaches, but, i dunno. Some of the girls at school i told the story to speculate that a somehow pregnant baby roach got inside when it was small, raised itself inside, had kids, and they all had a glorious society inside until the previous owner wrapped it up and sold it to the shop (which didnt notice), at which time all the insects died on the shelf due to suffocation and lack of food. Who knows, but i sure as hell took it back. When ya buy used they mention things like scratches, or missing cables, they ought to have mentioned the DAMN BUG NEST too. I told Mike and Eric here about it, to which Mike replies "atleast my Xbox didnt have any bugs". me- "Not REAL ones, no!"

That put me off used electronics, so I went with a new 80 gig model released in Japan this month. Fallout 3 has been taking most of my times since.

I went to Hokkaido with Azu as well. We went to her cousins wedding, it was very nice. They had a nice dinner and alot of cool little performances and sentimental things. After the wedding we did some sight seeing in Sapporo and Otaru, a scenic city by the ocean. The weather was cold and rainy that day, so we didn't enjoy it as much as we could have. Hokkaido has alot more space than the main island, Honshu, so the city seemed pretty American in layout and appearance. I didnt really like walking around Sapporo at night, the roads were too big and dark, and too few people on the street, like in American cities at night. In Tokyo there are people everywhere all the time, and the building density of normal Japanese cities just seems to create a safer feeling atmosphere, I dunno. However, it was easier to walk around and sight see in the day, so that was nice.

Well, thats all for now. Thailand is in December, i'll post again after we go atleast, maybe once more before we head out. Later!