Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back to school!

Well, as the title indicates, im going back to school! Not in the sense you are thinking, probably. So, since i wrote last, some developments have been made with Nova. Eric and Jon are working agian, which is good... perhaps working isnt the best pay to put it. They're going to work, anyway. Lessons havent started yet, so they just sorta hang around, greet students, and try to look busy. Only a few schools have reopened, so many teachers are still waiting on standby for decisions from Nova, or the new company that took over a part of Nova, anyway. I was in that category.

Anyway, i had a few job interviews, and i just happened to get lucky, and was offered an ALT position. ALT stands for Assistant Language Teacher. So, i am going to be teaching English in 3 different Japanese public highschools, hence the title. As my job title indicates, i will be working together with the normal Japanese English teacher. My duties apparently can range from teaching lessons by myself, to just doing what the teacher says, it sorta all depends on the teacher i guess. This also means that i have to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn, as im sure you all will remember you used to have to do for High school. Its even worse because i have to commute sorta far. Basically i am gonna be getting up at 6 a.m. or earlier everyday now. That aside.... i get sweet vacation time! Summer vacation is 6 weeks here, and i get 60% pay and dont work a single day! I get all the national holidays, spring break, fall break, golden week... its gonna be glorious. I also get 5 vacation days of my choice per year in addition to all the other stuff. (Nova gave 10 for the whole year and didnt give any other holidays...) I'v heard the job is pretty fun, and it will require more Japanese out of me, so i think that will be good too. I have my first day of training tomorrow, and i will start working on December 7th. I am a bit nervous about dealing with whole classrooms of kids, though. Anway... new job acquired, my chapter at Nova has come to a close it would seem. The new company seems to be getting things under way, though.

I'v been teaching a good amount of private lessons in my free time for cash and for something to do. At first i thought i would have too much free time on my hands, and i would go insane, but i feel that i have almost been.... sorta busy actually, between interviews, lessons, and Nova meetings and what not. I visited Eric and Jon last night, and we crashed at Jons house, as it was their day off. They had to work this afternoon, so they made it to work allright. Next week will be my last weekdays off, so i am planning to visit again on their days off. After that its school working hours for me with weekends off!

Well, time to sleep, training comes early tomorrow, Peace! (p.s. Azu lost my card adaptor for the moment, so i can post pictures or videos, but i will find it.)


Anonymous said...

Great to hear man :)

Anonymous said...

Aha! Gonna go with the "Azu lost my adapter" story, eh?

Congratulations on your new job!


Lark said...

Awesome man, congrats!

Anonymous said...

Dan I really think its time you cut that Azu loose. She is holding you back friend. I mean losing your card adapter thats unforgivable. (j/k Azu I think your great.) Glad you found a new job, your gonna have to put the fear of Yu sensei into those high schoolers.