Friday, June 1, 2007


Well, its time again for a new update! So last week i went to Disney Sea with Azu, Ronn, and Tawnya. It was alot of fun. Somehow, the weather was almost perfect (it got kinda windy at night) and there were no lines! It wasnt even all that crowded, so we lucked out i guess. I was told the lines can be heinous, but we didnt wait more than 15 minutes for anything the whole day, it was pretty nice, especially for anything Disney related. Disney Sea is alot like Disney Land, only it sorta has a waterish theme, and is more geared towards adults, or atleast young adults. You can buy beer at just about all the restaurants there, so you can get ripped if ya feel like it! The show was pretty impressive. It was this big illuminated water show in the big lake/bay thing in the middle of the park. There was this fire dragon that rose outta the water to spew fire also, and the volcano erupted! So i thought it was pretty sweet. Ronn missed the first part of it because he was getting another churro. I didnt blame him though, we looked for damn churros ALL DAY. We kept getting false leads from people. One girl we asked didnt know, but decided that telling us a place where there were in fact NO churros would be better than admitting that she didnt know. By the end of the day we were hell bent on eating some churros, and by god we did. I was double fisting churros when we found them finally. We were gonna eat at the swank disney restaurant there, but when our jaws dropped as we saw the price, we decided to hold off. I spent more on food than my ticket... but i did eat alot, and i enjoyed myself so i have no regrets. The tower of terror and Indiana Jones rides were pretty cool.

This week, i went up to Kawagoe and hung out with eric, emily, jon, ayumi, and ayumi's parents. It was a good time, we got some dinner and had a merry time. Azu was slaving away in the coal mines, so she didnt get to come, alas. It was sorta funny in the horrible sort of way, recently. So, i went to work at about... 7:30 last saturday. That day, Azu left for work before me... i got home around 7:00.... and she got home about 4.5 hours after me, haha. I was telling her how i had a glorious lunch of rice and Shabu Shabu, (this big delicious pot of boiled meat and vegetables and what not), as she was getting ready for bed after her 15 hour work day (that doesnt include travel time). And she goes "wow.... sounds great! i had a 30 minute lunch, and i ate a can of tuna, like a cat!" It was pretty funny... atleast for me, haha. Thats pretty much been par for Azus course the last couple of weeks with her hotel opening. She doesnt really get days off regularly... crazy. But, apparently its not that out of the ordinary here. Azu said atleast she doesnt work in the restaurant, i guess they've been so busy, that the staff has been working basically the entire day, and sleeping at the restaurant, only to wake up and work some more.

Anway, i had a 3 day weekend this week because i was moving to my new branch, and i enjoyed the majority of it at Jon's house, playing xbox and reading his comic books. I was reading Y, The Last Man. Its a sweet comic series about how every creature on the planet with a Y chromosome basically dies of some kind of plague instantly. So yeah, men everywhere all die simultaneously almost. Only one man is unaffected, him and his pet monkey, who is also a male monkey (making the pair doubly amazing). Anyway, its interesting to think about. The world is in a pretty messed up state at the moment, as would be expected i suppose if half the earth's population suddenly died. Also theres the whole fact that the current generation is more or less the last one as well. There is a crazy group of fanatical chicks that have been going around and burning down sperm banks and what not also, because they dont want there to ever be men on the planet again. They are also trying to kill the main character, as you might expect. I think the comics have taught me that being the last man alive would basically suck.

Anyway, we also went shopping, and i bought some japanese comic books that i am going to try and read. They are supposed to be a little easier to read, and have furigana (that says what the kanji are), so maybe i can hack it.

Living at Azu's has been good, a few cultural differences aside, everything has been going well. Tomorrow i start at my new branch, so i will have all new students and coworkers. Anyway, bye for now! My internet is still not reliable, so i will do more once it is.


mike said...

Sounds pretty slick dood. I wants some pics, did you get a camera yet? You sould come visit with eric and jon.

Lark said...

Glad to see you're doing good. Sorry to hear about Azu's job though. Say hi to her for me.

Anonymous said...

Y The Last Man sounds interesting. If you're into realistic zombie tales with blood and sex, I recommend The Walking Dead