Thursday, June 21, 2007

Rockin and rollin

Hello again from Japan everyone. Well, atleast to the people that read this. i have no idea how many people do really... only mike and lark ever comment, but anyway! So its been a pretty long time since i posted. Laziness is the reason, sadly. Work has been going pretty well. Recently my company has been in the news a bit for some mishaps with promising students things they couldnt fulfill... which landed them with some restrictions on student contract durations. Anyway, last week was payday, and i was planning to buy a new TV... a 32' flat panel LCD to be exact. At the same time this contract restriction business was in the news, that payday there was some kind of holdups with banks, and our paycheck deposits were late everywhere. So that morning, the TV guys called to confirm the delivery (i was paying upon delivery). i confirmed it, and went to the ATM to get my cash..... only there was no cash. So.... long story short, the delivery guys came with my TV, and i couldnt buy it.... so they took it back, and i got no TV because their lateness boned me! I was also a little worried... comapany in the news... no pay... started to wonder if i still had a job. But anyway, it wasnt a big deal, and i got payed, not soon enough to save my TV, alas, but everything was fine.

I was also informed that my little sister brittany is in Okinawa now! I havent heard from her yet, but i hope to soon, so i can go visit her down there. Maybe she can visit me too, who knows. The marines decided to send her to paradise instead of hell, so that worked out well for her. I havent done much new lately. Eric, Jon, and Emily are all back in America right now on vacations, and Ronn is working overtime like a sucker, so iv had my days off to myself. Last week Azu and i went to the DaVinci museum exhibit thing they have had in Ueno, and we got to see an original piece of his work there, being borrowed from Italy i guess. Its the one with the arcangel Gabriel and the pregnant virgin mary and stuff.... i forget the name and i am too lazy to go look it up. I also read a book! You should all be proud, it doesnt happen often. I read Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami. It was good. He is a pretty popular japanese novelist, and many, if not all of his books get translated into english. if any of you are readers you have undoubtedly heard of him. Next month, azu and i are hopefully going to climb mount Fuji, if we can get the days off coordinated and all that. Ronn and Tawnya might do it with us as well. Eric and Emily expressed interest also. I'll let you guys know! I am told its a hellish experience, but worth doing.

So, a few days ago i left my cellphone on a train. It couldnt have been worse timing. i was going to meet Azu and Tawnya in Yokohama, we were gonna go have some fun.... anyway, it fell outta my stupid dress pants pocket, and the train sped away before i realized it. So... i didnt know azus number, or ANYONEs number for that matter... so i had no way of getting a hold of them. And despite azu saying we would meet at the train station, without my confirmation neither her or Tawnya ever came to check. So... i ended up waiting 2 hours in a train station, sweating, instead of going and having fun. 2 hours later, i talked to a guy at the station, who told me it had been found, and was in lost and found in Hachioji....... which was about an hour in some random direction i'v never been. SO, i went there, and got it... killed another 2 hours, and then met azu back in yokohama around 7:30 for dinner, instead of 3:00.... then went home. Moral of the story: dress pants are fin lame.

Oh, if you havent already, go look at the sick origami video on mikes blog.

Peace! Daniel


Deanna said...

Hey, Daniel!

Yay, another post and I get to be first. Btw, you have lots of readers, even if we don't always post. I wanted you to know that. I don't often, but I will start trying to do more. :) I look here every day and love reading your blogs. I also just sent the url to your aunties, unkie and Grandma!

Oh and more blogs would be great! Yeah :P If I say anything embarrassing, weeelll, that’s the risk you take when your mother posts. bwahaha

Your sister would post more too, but being in the middle of Egegik, Alaska, the last few weeks probably makes it hard. I'm thinking there isn't a computer in the fishing hut. heheheh

Leaving the phone on the train sounds awful. What about putting your phone in your man purse... can't it go in there? :x

Your posts are awesome so keep it up and do it more often. :) Hug Azu for me. Max misses you too. That's very cool that you might get to see Brittany soon.

Love you and miss you! HUGS ~Mom

Lark said...

Kafka on the Beach is a great book. I just started reading it too!

Anonymous said...

i am so glad you are still alive. I was very very very very worried :P I am glad all is going well. BTW I am officially a fourth year medical student!!! holy shit I graduate next may!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, losing your phone sounded painful. At least you could speak japanese. When I got lost there I knelt down and cried like a little bitch.

Hope you get your TV