Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Talk to my agent

Kidding, i dont really have an agent. However, i AM going to be an extra in a japanese TV drama! So, a few days ago a got an email from a coworker at my old school that was about some company looking for models or extras or some such. The days they needed people just happened to be on my days off, so i decided to give it a whirl. It said they needed white dudes with short hair, that were in their 20s, and looked like it. I seemed to fit the bill, so i took a picture of myself, and emailed it to them from my phone. they got back to me, and said they wanted me to do whatever it was they were doing, haha. So, today they gave me the details. Tomorrow i will be meeting one of their people in Shinjuku at 6:30 pm. From there we're going to Ibaraki, which is in another prefecture to the north or some such. They are going to put me in a hotel for the night at their expense, and the next day we will be "shooting" haha. They are making a japanese WW2 TV drama, and i am going to be a captured american soldier, lol. Azu said it was perfect since she thinks i look like a skinny prisoner of war anyway, hah. So... thats the news for this week! I'll let you all know how it goes on my next post.

So, last week Ronn and i went with a coworker to a restaurant in Harajuku that serves Kobe beef burgers. I was told they were fantastical, so we decided to go, despite the steep price. For those unfamiliar with kobe beef, its a very delicious, high quality kind of japanese beef that is really expensive. The burger started at about $21, and for anything extra, it was $2 (cheese, bacon, avacado, etc). It came with tomato, lettuce, onion, and what not. Anyway, i got some cheese and avacado on mine, so the burger ran me 25 bones. Combine that with a $9 beer (one that dwarfed Ronn's meager $5 beer and made him feel like less of a man i might add), and you have yourself a $34 meal, and you dont even get fries! Now, i dont want to hype anything up, so i wont go into details. I will say, however, that Ronn and i will both be returning to get another in the future, and i feel the burger price was pretty fair. I dunno if i will go for another $9 beer... but the burger is a definite yes. On a side note, you dont really need fries, because it was a very large burger, and i was full and happy after just eating that.

After that the 3 of us (me, Ronn and my coworker Raphael from Florida) went and got some bubble tea in Shinjuku, and stumbled into a really expensive furniture store. Ronn was scared of the bubble tea, so it was just me and Raph with the tea. Anyway, it was pretty hilarious, because me and Raph walk into this swank store sipping bubble tea and Ronn is in flip flops, haha. So at first a rather snooty looking store lady told us to get the F out with our tea, hah. After chugging some tea at the entrance, we go back in, and were about to sit down when we realized that the couch we were about to sit on was a third of our annual salary. So from there, we started a sort of scavenger hunt through this large, 8 story furniture store to find the most expensive thing in the store. Well, there were some pretty sweet couches, tables and chairs and what not. At first we thought we werent going to get higher than the 22 thousand dollar pimp couch on the 4th floor. However, we found the floor with traditional japanese furniture, and found a table that ran 40 grand, and a cabinet that was about 53 grand. We also saw a really crappy looking shelf of some sort, that i swear to you, i could have fuggin made in wood shop, for 58 THOUSAND dollars. It must have been made from wood that was stained in the blood of virgins or something. Anyway.... on the top floor, way in the back, in a room you had to remove your shoes in, we found an armoir (sp? you know, that crappy french word) that won the competition. Yep... a 68 thousand dollar armoir (see above pic). I couldnt even tell why either, was the stupid thing. It was lame. There were some tables made of really rare and intersting wood that seemed to deserve a price that high... but alas, who knows. Maybe all the metal is platinum.

Well, Azu and i are going to Odaiba tomorrow, for real this time. I'll write about my acting adventure, and maybe a soccer game i am planning to go to in the future. If i can get eric to leave his hermitage in Saitama.



Anonymous said...

Damn you. My hermatige is one of peace, and insightful insight into personal understanding and metaphysical insight.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I want to go if I can get the time off.

Anonymous said...

Daniel, when you get to the top of your acting tree, try not to forget all of us little people that helped you get there!

Lark said...

haha, nice. Lemme know if you get famous, I'll be part of your entourage!

Anonymous said...

you really ought to get a copy of that WW2 drama. I know you sure can't act.

Anonymous said...

....wood that was stained in the blood of virgins. hahahah. I don't care for the bubble tea either, go Ronn.