Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Typhooooon! Just kidding.

As the title indicates, i almost got to see a raging typhoon last weekend, but.... didnt. My little sister in okinawa got to see one up close and personal though. After boning Okinawa, that same typhoon went for Japan proper, and did some typhooning in southwest Japan. It was SUPPOSED to come up to where i was as well.... but it decided to turn away. This is good news for everyone... but i wanted to see a badass typhoon, so i was sad. It did make for an easy day at work though, because the bulk of the students cancelled that sunday. An earthquake also hit recently as many of you may have seen on the news. I felt it, but it wasnt so strong where i am. It was an odd feeling. I was teaching a lesson and all of the students are like " Earthquake!" and i say "what? who? where?..... i dont feel any - ah, yep, sure enough". The building sorta started to sway back and forth, it was dizzying. Azu's hotel is like 30 or so floors up in a building, so she felt the swaying pretty strongly i guess, and the elevators stopped and all the guests paniced. Anyway, it did alot of damage in Niigata where it originated, mostly to old buildings.

Well, enough about Japan's many natural disasters. Last night Azu and i partied in Shinjuku with some of her old friends. All of them went to college in the U.S., so they could speak english really well... but they mostly all spoke japanese the whole night, haha. Only if they wanted to say something important to me in particular did they speak english. We ended up doing some cosmic bowling and then setting up some teams and betting for drinks at the end of the night. You may not know this, but i am a TERRIBLE bowler. It is not uncommon for me to gutterball numerous times in a row. However... for the first time in my life, i managed to pull my dismal score up from the depts with a few lucky spares and a strike, and get over 100 to save my team and win the game! For the first time ever i scored over 100... so i was happy. All the girls outbowled me and Azu's other male friend Yu, so we couldnt do girls vs. boys. It was a sad night for us.

In about a week and a half Ronn, Azu, Tawnya, and I are going to climb Mt. Fuji. We'v already reserved the cottage, so its happening! We are planning to start on the 29th, then sleep for a few hours in a cottage near the top, then wake up at 2 am, and finish the climb to see the sunrise from the top. Im told climbing Mt. Fuji is nothing short of miserable, so... hopefully the view will pay off.

Happy Birthday to AdriAnne!


AdriAnne said...

Thanks, yo! I didn't do anything much on my birthday, except get up to f'ing fish at 5 am. Then I was done around 5 pm, and then I slept!

At any rate, sorry about my terrible communication... I didn't have access to anything except a native radio station out there, for the most part. I'm back to civilization, though, incredibly buff with callouses all over my hands, and a damn sore back. I survived though, and saw tons of grizzlies and eagles and seals and whales and whatnot. I want to call you at some point and tell you all of my weird stories... when's a good time to call?

That is crazy about Brittany. Good lord, I don't know what to think. At least she's not in Iraq. Is the dude a marine?

Okay, I'm going to go stuff my face with some more gummy worms. Let me know when tio call, and I'll wear down the family calling card!


P.S. That's hilarious you were in a movie. You need to record that so I can watch it.

Anonymous said...

over 100 eh? Did your lane have bumpers in it? j/k mate ;) Good luck on Mt. Fuji

Lark said...

That should be pretty fun, climbing Mount Fuji, so good luck with that, and take plenty of pictures!

Anonymous said...

Wow! just wow. maybe your the kind of bowler whose score goes up conversely to how drunk you are. That can be teh ONLY explanation.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'd prefer that you not seek out any natural disasters, since they have been known to find one when one wasn't necessarily looking. !

Daniel, you may not know this, but you inherited your craptastic bowling skills from your mother! My very first bowling score was a 36, I'm very proud to say. I was so excited the first time I ever bowled over 100. Congratulations on yours! ;D

Just one question, is climbing Mt. Fuji SAFE? I want to call you before you go~! When should I call?

xoxoxoxox Mom

Dan said...

hah, got ya beat mom, i bowled a 28 not long ago :P

Anonymous said...

Wow your mom really worries about you. :P Just kidding thats cool. Hey I saw some pictures that Eric and Emily took with you in them. You look like a deer in head lights in almost all of them. How did the fuji climb go? Talk to ya later.