Saturday, September 1, 2007

Alot of Stuff

Well, i just typed up a long post, and hit a wrong button which decided to terminate all of it, so now i'm pissed off and you'll have to live with the summarized version.
Anyway, i was pretty busy in August with alot of swaps and junk. I didnt do much, other than make it up to Saitama to visit Emily before she goes back to America. Anyway, Mt. Fuji was pretty cool, aside from whole mountain cabin part. There are 10 levels, or stages on Fuji, and you start at level 5 usually, to which you can take a car or bus. We hiked to 8.5ish to sleep, and woke up to climb for the sunrise. In the cabin, we got a dinner, and got to sleep like sardines, or not sleep at all rather, for 6 hours, then get up at midnight and resume climbing in the miserable high elevation cold of Mt. Fuji's peak. There was also a traffic jam of people on the narrow path, because we all woke up at the same time... so you couldnt even move to stay warm. I paid 5 bones for some hot tea that is normally worth 1 bone at the top, because my hands were about to freeze off. We went from miserable summer, to winter in less than a day. Anyway, the sunrise was magnificent, and i am glad i climbed. It cleared up for the sunrise and we got to see a nice one, it was strange being so high. I would not do the whole sleeping in the cabin thing again.. if i ever do climb it again, it would be up and down in one day. By the way, going down is worse than going up. There is a japanese saying that goes something like "Everyone should climb Mt. Fuji once, but only crazy people do it twice". Its about right.

We went to Saitama for a yukata party with the gang up there as well. That was pretty fun. We drank alot, emily drank even more than alot and was a bit... well sickly the next day. It was a good time.

Also, there was a night me, Azu and Juri did some partying where i work, Hiratsuka, and basically stayed up all night and caught the first train home. Only.... we sorta fell asleep on the train. So the next thing i know, a train guy is waking me up. I think to myself (still drunk) "how nice of him to wake us up at our stop" so we stumble down the platform, me thinking "thats odd, i dont remember an exit there in Kozu... oh well, thats useful" Juri then says "thats the shinkansen entrance!" So i think "hrm... dont remember a shinkansen (bullet train) entrance in Kozu... thats really useful too!" Then as we continue down the platform, one of us finally reads a sign and we realize..... we're not in Kozu at all, we're in Atami. Atami happened to be the final stop on that train.... which is about an hour south west of Kozu... soooo we got back on and rode home, this time a little later, and managed to get off the train this time, barely. Juri somehow woke up and got me and Azu up. Then we got to walk home in the blazing morning sun, passing people going to work. Awesome!
Anyway, Azu eric and I are planning a South Korea trip this month, so i'll keep you posted! Peace!

1 comment:

Lark said...

Hey, you're not dead!

I had a similar thing happen on Thursday, when I actually fell asleep AT the train station whilst drunk and waiting for my train. I slept through my train arriving and departing, and would have slept through the next one (which was the last one) if it weren't for a friendly police officer who poked me with a flashlight and informed me that, "this is the last train, buddy!" I would have been stranded in downtown Oakland.