Friday, March 16, 2007


Well, i'v been here for a few days now. I saw azu, eric, ronn, tawnya, emily, and some of azu's friends the first night i got here. Since then i'v been down in Odawara mostly after a stop at my apartment in Yokohama to drop off my stuff and meet my roomate. He seems nice enough. I took care of my gaijin card registration thursday, and got my cellphone yesterday, on which you can email me at . It was a long involved process with the phone, analyzing plans and what not, i think azu was tired by the end of it, but i settled on AU, because they had a good deal on a phone that had english and a nice camera, which killed 2 birds with one stone. I was going to go with softbank, because they had a plan that was only about 10 bucks a month, and i could talk to anyone on softbank for free from 2 am - 8pm. If azu had been on softbank, i probably woulda done it, but to get the 10 dollar plan you had to take a crappier phone with a crappy camera, and azu isnt on softbank, and if you call people outside of softbank with that plan you get hosed basicaly, soo... i went with AU.

Anyway, as soon as i get a memory card, and a reader, i will start puttin up some pictures. My phone seems to take a pretty nice picture.


Lark said...

Good to see you survived your trip. Say hi to Azu for me, and let me know what your first day in a classroom is like.

AdriAnne said...

I demand more posts!

mike said...

You cant demand nothin, lilmissnohavingasitenotlettinanyoneknowwhatyourdoing!

naw, but really you need to stay more current. I expect more out of you.

So far Tawnya has been the best about letting me know whats going on over there across the blue.

Deanna said...

Yes, more posts. The last one was a whole 11 days, 4 hours and 1 minute ago!

MIKE: email me your current mailing address. Yes, do it now. Because I said so.

Lark said...

Yeah Dan, quit being a jerk and blog more!