Wednesday, March 28, 2007

An update!

Ok, so in hindsight, coming here without a computer was foolish. That being said, it hasnt been easy for me to get on the internet. So... where to begin. Work was stressful at first. They sorta just throw you right in. On the second day of training you have to teach a whole class by yourself.. 2 actually. After 3 days of training, you are teaching a full day by yourself. Planning lessons and stuff takes time when you are new, so you have to get the hang of it, but it comes quick. I have been disappointed about my location. I am basically far from Azu and eric/em/jon/ronn/tawnya. As ronn put it yesterday, we live in a big triangle of ass. Wed/Thurs are my days off, erics em and jon are mon/tues. i work till 9 mon/tues. Ronn and Tawnya are tues/wed, so we can get together on wednesdays. Wednesday and sunday when people get off earlier are about the only days its feasable to meet up.

Proximity to friends aside.. my place is cool enough. Close to the ocean, lots of stuff to see. I am told by other americans there is a kick ass mexican restaurant in my town run by a guy that learned in America, so they say he has it down. I havent been jonesin yet, but i am sure i will in the future. The folks at my branch are cool, its pretty laid back. Everyone smokes though, so i am alone on breaks while they all go smoke, haha. My students have all been pretty nice for the most part with a few exceptions. We have a younger student that i havent taught yet, that apparently has never spoken a word of english in class, he just points at things. He is sorta.... difficult. The older students are usually the most talkative. Younger students are harder because they are usually more nervous and shy. Adjusting was difficult at first, but im doing well enough. Azu is transfering in a few days, so she'll be closer, and i wont have to visit her in her jungle apartment. This apartment... good lord. Something in it creates humidity, i shit you not. it just GETS that way. it is about 3 times more humid than anything youv ever been in at any given time of day. I hung up a work shirt the other day when i stayed there (it was 100% dry) and it was damp the next day when i went to put it in my bag. Its crazy.

My apartment kinda sucks. I gather its the village bicycle of nova places. Everyone sorta cringes when they hear where i live. I guess its about the crappiest, most expensive place you can come by. Also, the door has no key lock, just a combination... so thats great.

Havent done much since i got here. Hung out with the saitama gang a few times, and me and azu took a drive with her dad south of Odawara and checked out a few dive shops we plan to do business with when the weather gets a little nicer (and i get paid). We also saw some cool scenery. She really lives in a nice place.

Anyway, i gotta order my computer so i can join the civilized world again. peace!

Its hard to check my normal email right now, but if you wanna get a hold of me, send it to my phone for now, i usually have it on me all the time. When i get a computer and memory card of my own, i will post pictures, or maybe just a memory card. I could use azus comp if i get the card. I apologize for a lack of punctuation, this keyboard sucks.


Lark said...

I hear that those Saitama people are crazy. You'd best watch yo self, fool.

AdriAnne said...

Get a computer, ass!

Lark said...

You said you were going to blog last night. I feel lied to.