Sunday, March 11, 2007

Leavin on a jet plane.

Well, I have one more day here in the states. I am a little bit nervous, but mostly I just dont want to pack. You would think that with near infinite time on my hands, I could get things done. Wrong. I leave in roughly 36 hours, and I have done... nothing. Eric and Emily, if you read this before I arrive, I will be there Wednesday evening. Azu said you were joining us and Ronn and Tawnya, but your msn message gave me the general impression you had no idea when I was arriving. Anyway, we are meeting in Ikebukuro for good times.

Ok, I am going to go pack, wish me luck.



Anonymous said...

You had better get a move on or your going to forget something inmportant.

Anonymous said...

I knew we were meeting you wednesday, but I wasn't sure when you were actually arriving. That night eh? I hope you aren't irritable. Have a good flight!

mike said...

dag yo i guess your there by now. have a good time and drink a for me too please